Showing posts from September, 2023

Interactive grid "New Button" Add in the Toolber

> Go to Interactive Grid > Go to Attribute > Go to --> Initialization JavaScript Function function(config) {         let $ = apex.jQuery,                 toolbarData = $.apex.interactiveGrid.copyDefaultToolbar();         toolbarData.push…

Design Item of Form

> Go to page and Inline css and paste following code .pridelabel {             padding-right: 4px;             background-color: whitesmoke;             border-top: 1px solid #ced4da;             border-bottom: 1px solid #ced4da;             bord…

Master-Details (Grid Process Save/Update/Delete)

Step-1 : Create Normally Master-Details Page Design. Step-2 : Master from Data Save Default Processes. Step-3 : You Must be Grid Processes Type Change . Type : Execute Code Language : PL/SQL DECLARE     VREJCAUS   NUMBER; BEGIN     CASE :APEX$ROW_ST…

Lock Data in Oracle Apex

---> This is data insert without Com_id ---> Create Interactive Report Query : select ID,        TYPE,        NAME,       decode(STATUS,1,'Active',0, 'Deactive')STATUS,        get_company_dtl('N',COM_ID) COMPANY,     …

SQL query line break

The CHR() function is used to insert control characters into a string.  1) CHR(10) is used to insert line breaks, 2) CHR(9) is for tabs 3) CHR(13) is for carriage returns. SELECT  'Notify Party '||rownum||' : '||GET_PARTY_NAME_ADD( …

Open model Dialog by javaScript link

Create Interactve Report & Link Column (Employee_id) Link :  Type  - URL URL -  javascript:openModal('GR_SEWINGSIZEDTL');   $s('P5_FIRST_NAME', '&FIRST_NAME.') , $s('P5_LAST_NAME', '&LAST_NAME.'), …

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