Showing posts from August, 2023

Hide Control Break Action

Interactive Report .a-IRR-reportSummary {     display: none; } .a-IRR-controlsContainer {     display: none; } Interactive  Grid  /* .a-Toolbar{     display: none; }  */ .a-IG-controlsContainer, .a-IRR-controlsContainer{     display: none; }

Value Over Loaded "alert massage" By JavaScript

Container Over Loaded!! Step 1 : Go to page -->  Function and Global Variable Declaration function  overLoad (){     let capacityCbm =   $('# P312_CAPACITY_CBM ').val();     let totalAdded =   $('# P312_TOTAL_ADDED ').val();     l…

Insert Processes same Data another Table

Note : Shipping plan and Stuffing plan table structure almost same. Processes ======= declare  v_mst_id number ; v_STUFFING_PLAN_ID varchar2(50); begin  FOR i in 1.. apex_application.g_f01 .count  LOOP if apex_application.g_f01(i) is not null then …

Horizontal scrollbar in oracle apex Interactive report & Interactive Grid

*** Interactive report Step - 1 Go to Page Inline (Copy to paste this Code) # IR_REPORT .t-fht-thead{   overflow: auto !important; } Step - 2 Select  Region  interactive report And Static ID ---> IR_REPORT  *** Interactive Grid Step - 1 Go to Page…

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