Showing posts from June, 2023

Multiple Row Grand Total Calculation

Step 1 : Create Dynamic Action              Name : Calculate Grand Total            Event : Lose Focus            Selection Type : Region            Region : (Select Grid Region) True Action : Execute JavaScript Code Code :  var model = apex.region(&…

HTML Report Icon Show And Print preview

Step 1 :  Go to IR Report Query and new column Add with HTML         '<div style="margin-bottom: 10px; text-align: center" >           <a href="'||apex_util.prepare_url('f?p='||:APP_ID||':'||177||'…

Duplicate Data Insert

Step 1 : Create New Page And Create Classic Report Create New Item : P158_AIREXP_MST_ID Query Condition :   from AIREXPORT_MST   and  ID = :P158_AIREXP_MST_ID Attributes : Template : Value Attribute Pairs-Column  Create Button : COPY_BOOKING Create …

Validation in Oracle Apex

Unique Validation ============ Create Validation on SUPPLIER_NAME item. Validation Name: Unique_supplier_name   Type: No Rows Returned --> SQL Query : select SUPPLIER_NAME from   SUPPLIER where  upper(SUPPLIER_NAME) = upper(:P8_SUPPLIER_NAME); --…

Item Hide & Show (Run Time)

Step 1 : Select Item P213_RCV_TYPE          Type : Radio Group.          Static Value :          In Credit = CR           In Cash = CA             Step 2 :  Create Dynamic Action . Action Name : show_payment Event : Change Client-side Condition…

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