Open Interactive Grid Single Click


Step - 1 :

Select InteractiveGrid Region And Go to Static ID 
Static ID : GRID

Step - 2 :

Create Page Load Dynamic Action 
Action Name : GRID
Action : Execute JavaScript Code 
Code : apex.region("GRID").call("getActions").set("edit", true);



Execute when Page Loads :

---Note : Page Load Focus Page First Item (P8_BOOKING_DATE)

apex.region("GRID1").call("getActions").set("edit", true); //1st grid static ID

apex.region("GRID2").call("getActions").set("edit", true); //2st grid static ID

apex.region("GRID3").call("getActions").set("edit", true); //3st grid static ID

setTimeout(function () {

   $( "#P8_BOOKING_DATE" ).focus();

}, 100); //Change number 10,20,30....

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