Color Cell/Row/Column in an Interactive Report

Step-1 : Create a new page.

You must be select Interactive Report.

--> SQL Query :


         CASE WHEN BASIC_SALARY <= 15000 THEN 'data-style="background-color:green"' 

            WHEN BASIC_SALARY > 15000 AND BASIC_SALARY <= 20000 THEN 'data-style="background-color:orange"'

            WHEN BASIC_SALARY > 20000 THEN 'data-style="background-color:red"'

          ELSE NULL

         END css_style,



Step-2 :

set HTML Expression on "BASIC_SALARY" item

            <span #CSS_STYLE#>#BASIC_SALARY#</span>

Step-3 : 

--> Hidden item : css_style 

Step-4 : Create a dynamic action On Page Load 

--> Name : color_cell

--> Action : javaScript Code:





    apex.jQuery(this).parent().attr('style', apex.jQuery(this).attr('data-style')); 



--> Affected Elements : 

    Selection Type :  Event Source

=============== Alternative try ================

1. Create Interactive report page.

2. Go To Status Column >> Static ID- status

3. Go To report's properties >> Column CSS Classes- emp

4. Go To Page Properties >> Execute when Page Loads >> Paste the following code

    $(".emp td[headers=status]").each(function(){
celldata= $(this).text();
if (celldata =='Inactive')

5. Create a Dynamic Action  >> Name- After Refresh
Event: After Refresh >> Selection Type: Region >> Your Report
Action: Execute Javascript Code >> Paste the following code
    $(".emp td[headers=status]").each(function(){
celldata= $(this).text();
if (celldata =='Inactive')

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