Show Notification on Interactive Report in Oracle Apex

Step-1 :
Simply you create Interactive Report (My report Animals Sell Based)
and Select template type as Standard.

Step-2 :
Create a new item (as like : P4_NOTIFICATION).
Type - Hidden

Step-3 :
Set the Default value for that item (
P4_NOTIFICATION) and set the type as SQL query. for example-->
-- Count day of month :
select count(1) from ANIMALS_SELL_MASTER where to_CHAR(INVOICE_DATE,'MMRRRR') = TO_CHAR(sysdate,'MMRRRR');

-- Count sysdate :
select count(1) from ANIMALS_SELL_MASTER where to_CHAR(INVOICE_DATE,'DDMMRRRR') = TO_CHAR(sysdate,'DDMMRRRR');

Step-4 :
Now write the region title. (Copy to paste)

Animals Sell Report <span class="notification" data-count="&P4_NOTIFICATION.">&P4_NOTIFICATION.</span>

Step-5 : 
select report Region and
static ID ---> myReport

Step-6 : Inline --->

#myReport .notification {

position: absolute;

top: -2px;

left: 150px;

padding: 6px 12px;

border-radius: 90%;

background: red;

color: white;




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